Prints: One-Off Mixed MediaBook AdriftFeathered FriendsFeathered Friends – Gatherings7penny rythymBookscape and CloudsWaterbook: insightWaterbook: sticks and stonesWaterbook: fanBlack BookWaterbook: driftWaterbook: tendrilsWaterbook: weedBookscape: mulch1000wordsOrbicusWaterbook: glyphic evanescence 1/1Waterbook: Evanescent #2Waterbook RiffleWaterbook: Glass GlyphsLittle Black Book : The New Book of KnowledgeSprouting Romance on a PlateBook Well DoneWaterbook: EvanescentRomance on a PlateWaterbook and…Beetle BonesInsect EligyD o n ‘ t B e H a p p y . . . W o r r yMaw